National Insurance warning: Tax rise could mean your NI bill rises by 10 percent in April

PRIME MINISTER Boris Johnson is being urged to scrap the planned hike on National Insurance payments which are set to come into effect in April 2022.

By Patrick O'Donnell, Personal Finance reporter with more than two years of experience specialising in UK and US-based money, retirement and savings news.

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"Now is not the time for a tax hike," according to Sarah Coles, senior personal finance analyst at Hargreaves Lansdown, who is calling for the National Insurance rise in April to be shelved. She warned spring will bring an "agony" of price rises, with every last penny being "squeezed from our budget". "The government shouldn’t be tightening its grip on our finances at a time like this," she said, adding: "The rise hits lower earners hardest, because it kicks in at lower income levels than income tax, and it places a heavier burden on lower earnings. "It’s also only charged on earned incomes, which means it doesn’t fall equally on all of us."

While the 1.25 basis point rise, might not sound "dramatic", Ms Coles explained this doesn't translate into a 1.25 percent rise in what you pay.

For instance, someone earning £30,000 currently pays £2,452 a year in NI, and the rise would increase it by £256 - effectively a rise of over 10 percent in their National Insurance bill.

Tom Selby, head of retirement policy at AJ Bell, shared how likely he believes a U-turn will be in changing the Prime Minister’s decision.

Mr Selby said: “The reforms will be funded through a controversial 1.25 percentage point increase in National Insurance rates for both employers and employees – although this cash is also being used to bolster the NHS.

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National Insurance contributions: Boris Johnson and worried person in pictures

National Insurance hike of 1.25% could mean your NI bill rises by over 10 percent in April (Image: GETTY)

“However, the relatively high level of the cost cap appears to be putting people off, with the vast majority saying they view the plans negatively.

“In fact, more than half of Brits say they are ‘very negative’ about the reforms and worry they will ‘never’ be able to afford costs up to the £86,000 cap.

“This comes as the Prime Minister faces growing concern over the timing of the planned National Insurance rise, with some Cabinet ministers reportedly voicing disquiet over the impact it could have at a time inflation is soaring and energy bills are set to skyrocket.

“This combined with negative voter sentiment will inevitably lead some to push for the changes to be delayed or shelved altogether.”

On top of this, recent research conducted by Income Tax UK found that online Google searches for “Can’t pay tax” rose by 900 percent on January 24, 2022.


This was the same day that Boris Johnson announced that he is still planning to hike National Insurance contributions by 1.25 percent in April.

A spokesperson for Income Tax UK said: “Families across the UK have faced some of the harshest hikes in living costs over the past few months.

“With inflation at the highest level in 30 years and energy bills set to jump £600 this year, many households simply will not be able to cope with further increases in tax, as reflected by the huge explosion in people Googling their inability to afford and pay tax.

“There is no doubt that many people will face real hardship if steps are not taken to ease the impossible cost of living for a large proportion of the UK.”

Workers and employers are preparing to see a 1.25 percent increase to their National Insurance contributions as part of the Government’s plans to fund social care.


How much will National Insurance go up by? (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

The rise, being brought in as part of the Government's plans to fund social care, has been widely criticised by Boris Johnson’s political opponents and even members of his own party as an additional tax on working-age people.

However, the developing Partygate scandal could see the Prime Minister change his mind over the pending tax hike in a bid to reconnect with votes, according to Tory MPs.

As of today, the Metropolitan Police has confirmed that it will now investigate a number of lockdown events which took place at Downing Street during the height of the pandemic, after a referral by Sue Grey.

Speaking to the Guardian, one Conservative MP shared how he was contacted by an ally of Boris Johnson to ask what he needed to see changed in order to show his support for the Prime Minister.

When asked what changes should be considered, the anonymous Member of Parliament said that he would scrap the National Insurance rise and cut VAT on energy bills.

NI 3

National Insurance: Boris Johnson could scrap tax rise amid Partygate scandal (Image: GETTY)

The MP said: “Boris’s people have been ringing up a lot of us to hear what we think, and as I understand it, every single MP is basically telling them to get a grip with taxes and the cost of living.”

The hike on National Insurance is set to be implemented to pay for social care reforms outlined by the Government last year.

As of 2023, lifetime personal care costs will be capped at £86,000 and the means-testing threshold increased to £100,000.

A survey conducted by AJ Bell found that almost four in five Britons have a negative opinion of the Government’s decision to hike National Insurance payments to pay for its social care plans.

Furthermore, an estimated 57 percent of those polled have a “very negative” about Boris Johnson’s social care plans, saying they will “never” be able to afford £86,000 of care costs.

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