War of the workouts

IT was billed as the battle of the bulge. Coleen Nolan’s swipe at actress Hannah Waterman’s rival workout DVD as “unrealistic” didn’t just make headlines; it highlighted the hugely lucrative business that celebrity fitness programmes have become.

GREAT MOTIVATOR Davina McCall s DVD has a winning formula GREAT MOTIVATOR: Davina McCall's DVD has a winning formula

Hannah’s Body Blitz is currently selling in such huge numbers that it is already likely to be the best selling fitness DVD of 2010. Why? Because the vast majority of such sales are made this month when millions of women have made toning up their figure their number one new year resolution.

In recent years, soap actresses, singers and reality TV stars have all posed as flab-fighters whose DVDs are your best hope of starting the new year fighting fit.

Veteran media publicist Max Clifford explains: “There’s a very strong commercial window for these celebrities in January, when most of us are a stone overweight. The very successful can make a fortune.” Last year alone, for instance, Celebrity Big Brother presenter Davina McCall topped 100,000 UK sales.

The phenomemon can be traced back to Jane Fonda, who spent four years at the top of the US video charts in the Eighties with her fitness videos. She pioneered the idea of working out in front of your TV.

In her wake in this country came the Green Goddess – Diana Moran – and “Mad Lizzie” Webb, as well as Mr Motivator, Cindy Crawford, Cher and Elle Macpherson. In the Nineties it seemed possible to have the body of a supermodel if you pushed yourself hard enough.

But in the past decade we have a new generation of screen fitness gurus, soap stars and actresses who are not impossibly glamorous and share our more imperfect figures. As GMTV presenter Kate Garraway says: “You feel you know the person. You trust them, they seem more human.”

Recession has been good for fitness DVDs. Market researchers Mintel say that sales leapt up to 1.9 million two years ago as we began to tighten our belts and trade in our gym fees of up to £60 a month for a much cheaper DVD. Market watchers point out that at the right price, exercise is one way we choose to escape the stresses of hard times.

Rosemary Conley, who’s sold more than nine million fitness videos worldwide, has just released her 30th and says it will be her last. But she’s not retiring, merely moving on to a new era and a new opportunity: fitness TV. Yes, several channels will be coming soon to a satellite near you. The soap stars are going to have to work out even harder next January to persuade us to believe and buy.


It’s the action that counts. So how do the 2010 celeb DVD workouts shape up?

Camilla’s Cardiodance Workout


From Camilla Dallerup, one of the Strictly Come Dancing professional dancers, this one surprised me. It’s a genuine fitness workout, albeit with dance moves. Not for beginners, but perfect if you were about to buy your fourth Davina or Rosemary and want a new challenge. Strong, sound instruction and a good abs section.


Coleen Nolan Let’s Get Physical


Coleen’s style is quiet, letting the trainer get on with the job while our star never over-strains herself and simply skips the odd hard bit she doesn’t quite fancy. Beginners may struggle with the footwork but if you stick with it you’ll get a decent workout.


Davina Fit


Davina and her trainer chums Jackie and Mark, have recycled a set of workouts that look very familiar. But why mess with a winning formula? The health messages are excellent, the pacing, music and instructions are good and Davina remains a great motivator. Very classy.


Hannah Waterman’s Body Blitz


I doubt Hannah will have lost sleep over Coleen, because this DVD looks like she is intent on knocking Davina off her perch. Same motivational style, very similar content, plus a bit of “science” and diet advice. Good, clear guidance but beginners will still find it tough going.


Jessie Wallace Look At Me Now Workout


This looks and feels low budget. Jessie is big on enthusiasm but her workout is short on clear advice. Unless you’re a total fan or already a hard-core exerciser, steer clear.


Mel B Totally Fit


A strange mix of common sense and nonsense which is performed outdoors against a fabulous LA backdrop. As long as Mel stays on her feet, this is a good, old-fashioned, no-frills lowish impact workout. It’s probably best to skip the bits on the ground unless you’re already experienced. The workout also includes Mel’s healthy cooking tips.


Pussycat Dolls Workout


Oh come on, it’s pure sex on long, long legs. The only workout performed in 3in stilettos, with loads of cleavage and booty. Stick it on for the boyfriend to drool over while you escape to the local aerobics class for an hour.


Rosemary Conley’s Real Results Workout


She’s had half a lifetime to perfect the home fitness DVD and this is the last ever. So anyone aged over 30 who thinks they might want to work out at home should buy it. It’s safe and effective .


Strictly Come Dancing The Workout with Kelly & Flavia


This is one of those dance-step DVDs dressed up as a fitness workout. And personally I’d rather dance with other people than a chair or a TV screen. It’s infuriating to try to learn and you’ll be lucky if you don’t turn an ankle in the process.


Trudie Styler’s Warrior Yoga


Nothing about this changes my view that if you are new to yoga or similar disciplines, you are best off in a class where a teacher can give you proper attention. This is for practised devotees and Sting fans (he’s in the extras bit).


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